In 2019, Salisbury was named the first World Kindness City in the U.S. and remains dedicated to promoting an inclusive and welcoming community for all residents. You may be aware that the City of Salisbury and surrounding areas are the home to many immigrant communities. As of 2018, 13.5% of the city’s population was foreign-born1, with Latinx/Hispanic, Haitian and Korean individuals and families being the largest contributors. The City is proud to recognize the economic, social and cultural contributions of the non-native residents in all sectors of our community.

In the face of COVID-19, many vulnerable groups, including immigrants faced disproportionate impacts of the public health threat, while other existing social challenges were brought to new light. Many of these concerns led to shifting priorities of local officials and community organizations to promote increasingly equitable conditions for all residents. Part of this effort is the convening of the Vulnerable Populations Task Force, a group of community leaders, to address the direct service needs and systemic barriers brought to light for traditionally marginalized groups in the larger population. As a result, the Mayor’s Office has gained insight directly from residents and service providers most impacted by the pandemic and other social challenges and is continuing to develop and provide assistance on initiatives to promote social justice and equity in Salisbury and beyond.

One identified area of need is access to information, recognizing that accessibility is a vital part of individual and familial success, especially for those who often face additional barriers. The Welcoming Guide is one step to increase information and resource access for new and established Salisbury and area residents, with special attention paid to immigrant individuals and families. This resource has been developed as a comprehensive point from which residents can begin navigating some of the systems essential to a healthy and successful life in Salisbury and the surrounding areas. Included you will find information about resident’s rights, resources and list of service providers in the area. It is our hope that this information improves access to vital support systems.

We sincerely hope you find yourself at home in Salisbury and take advantage of the resources and activities for yourself and your family.