SWED exists to enhance the socio-economic environment of Salisbury, Wicomico County and region through the preservation and creation of productive employment opportunities. Learn more about SWED below.
In 1967, the Chris Craft Corporation announced it was closing its Salisbury manufacturing plant, eliminating hundreds of industrial jobs. To mitigate such events in the future and to help diversify our economic base, community, business and governmental leaders joined forces to create Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development, Inc.
A priority of our economic development initiatives is the retention, stability and growth of Wicomico’s existing industry. Most businesses derive 75-80% of revenue from existing customers. As a correlation, most new jobs in virtually any community are generated by existing customers or in other words, resident businesses. A strong economic foundation not only promotes new jobs, but also attracts prospective employers considering Wicomico County for its business location.
Economies and markets are fluid and therefore, the attraction of new firms and industries are a vital part of our initiatives. New and diverse businesses mitigate adverse effects of economic downturns, reduce a community’s reliance on just a few firms, increase the taxable base and add jobs. The indirect benefits of new industry are perhaps as great as the direct benefits.
In both retention and attraction endeavors, SWED targets those industries whose activities result in the importation of dollars to our community. SWED is pleased to work with all businesses and numerous partners to enhance our economic base and vitality.
David Ryan is a veteran economic development professional and the Executive Director of the Salisbury-Wicomico Economic Development Corporation, a public – private partnership charged with strengthening the economy of Salisbury, Wicomico County and region.
He received his Bachelors of Science Degree in Marketing and Economics from Old Dominion University, his MBA from Salisbury University, and he is one of twenty members inducted into the Maryland Economic Development Association Hall of Fame.
Full bio.
Since our establishment in 1968, SWED has worked diligently to help our existing business base prosper while at the same time, attracting new jobs and new industries to our community. We do this knowing that all benefit from a stable, vibrant and growing economic base. We believe our efforts are enhanced through our public-private partnership structure as both sectors benefit from a stronger economy and both possess unique resources. Together, dollars are leveraged and expertise is broadened.
Through your membership, you will receive our Economic Snapshot publication, a statistical compilation of leading economic indicators pertinent to our community and region. You’ll be invited to meaningful and informative meetings that address timely issues confronting us today. And you receive a listing as Member on our website which not only enhances your visibility with the business community, but also demonstrates strong community support for economic development to others considering a business location here.
Since 1968, SWED has worked diligently toward strengthening our local economy through the preservation and creation of productive employment opportunities. While our vision is forward, our past is not forgotten. The following events have helped shape the economic landscape of Wicomico County today.
David Ryan
Executive Director
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